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Übersetzen Englisch Arabisch نمرود

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  • Don't call me a nimrod.
    لا تقول لي "نمرود"
  • And Nimrod was a king.
    و كوش ولد نمرود
  • And he set to build a tower that would soar like his pride.
    وكان نمرود ملكا
  • And that's Nimrod.
    وذلك هو النمرود
  • [POPPER]: And the Nimrods.
    وها هُم عائلة النمرود
  • Hey, I called you nimrod. Look, I say, "You fucking nimrod."
    لقد قلت لك يا نمرود أنظر لقد قلت " أنت نمرود "
  • There is none greater than he in Earth or Heaven. "
    مجد نمرود يضئ وراء الشمس
  • Hey, nimrod. Here, educate yourself.
    .يا (نمرود). تفضّل .ثقّف نفسك
  • Here, why don't you give this a read?
    .يا (نمرود). خُذ .ثقّف نفسك
  • Or put strength into the arrow like unto his strength?
    من يستطيع أن يحنى قوس نمرود ؟