No exact translation found for هُوجِمَ

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  • The building was attacked.
    وهوجم المبنى
  • Chulak was attacked.
    لقد هوجم شولاك
  • Attacked first, then killed.
    هوجم اولا والان قتل
  • Two years ago he was attacked.
    منذ سنتين هو هُوجِمَ .
  • A member of my family was being attacked.
    عضو عائلتي هوجمَ
  • The very Gilmore name was being attacked.
    اسم جيلمور ذاته هوجمَ
  • Everything all right?
    تيم هوجم مره اخره
  • Kelso, he just got attacked.
    كيلسو", لقد هوجم للتو"
  • Moe was attacked.
    لقد هوجم " مو "
  • He was attacked, mutilated.
    قد هوجم وتشوه