Keine exakte Übersetzung gefunden für plane

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Übersetzen Italienisch Arabisch plane

ähnliche Treffer

  • "Snakes on a Plane".
    "ثعابين على الطائرة"
  • # "Ca Plane Pour Moi" # # Team Genius #
    لنقم بهذا ايتها الرخيصات
  • # Pretty red plane in the sky # (Un aeroplanino rosso nel cielo)
    # طائرة حمراء جميلة .في السماء #
  • (hanno visto il film "Snake on a plane") - Non appartengono agli aerei.
    هيا، اركبى
  • Beh, tecnicamente, e' la seconda volta se conti il Rock-O-Plane alle giostre.
    حسناً، تقنياً إنها المرة الثانية لي .إذا إعتبرت لعبة صخرة ركوب الطائرة في المهرجان
  • 2 Broke Girls - Stagione 2 - Episodio 16 "And Just Plane Magic" Traduzione: feloreena, Ailish85, blue.m, calvaria ::Italian Subs Addicted:: []
    .[DaRk’DreAm] & [Star Magician] : تـــرجمَة حَصريّ لمُنتدى المُسلسَلات الأجْنبيَّة المُترجمَة ~ StS Team - Startimes.Com ~
  • ¶ ¶ Ho fatto un sogno la scorsa notte That I was piloting a plane ¶ ¶ E tutti i passeggeri were drunk and insane ¶ ¶ ho sbarcato in a Louisiana swamp ¶ ¶ Girato un un'orda di zombie But I come out on top ¶¶ What's it all about? ¶ ¶ Indovinate solo reflects my mood ¶ ¶ Seduto nella sporcizia Feeling kind of hurt ¶¶ All I hear is doom and gloom ¶¶ And all is darkness ¶¶ In my room ¶ ¶ Attraverso la luce, your face I see ¶ ¶ baby, prendere una possibilità Baby, non vuoi danza with me ¶ ¶ perso tutto quel tesoro in an overseas war ¶ ¶ E 'solo per mostrare non si ottiene what you paid for ¶ ¶ Battaglia ai ricchi and you worry about the poor ¶ ¶ Mettere i piedi sul divano And lock all the doors ¶¶ What's that funky noise? ¶ ¶ E 'il serraggio of the screws ¶ ¶ Seduto nella sporcizia Feeling kind of hurt ¶¶ All I hear is doom and gloom ¶¶ But when those drums ¶¶ Go boom, boom, boom ¶¶ Through the night ¶¶ Your face I see ¶ ¶ baby, prendere una possibilità Baby, non vuoi ballare with me ¶¶ Yeah! ¶ ¶ bambino, non lo farà si danza with me ¶¶ Ah, yeah
    تمت الترجمة بواسطة KiLLeR SpIDeR (محمود فودة) - emdo تابعوني في الصحفة الخاصة على الفيس بوك