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  • Sylvie Durrer, Moins d'une sur cinqLes femmes dans le discours journalistique [Less than one in five: women in journalistic discourse] in: Questions au féminin 1.
    سيلفي دورر، أقل من واحدة مقابل خمسة المرأة في الخطاب الصحفي، في: شؤون نسائية 1-2003.
  • 1989 Les principes du droit du travail à l'épreuve du discours identitaire: le cas des pays du Maghreb, in “Liberté, égalité, fraternité: actualité en droit social”, Comptrasec publication, Montesquieu University of Bordeaux IV.
    1989 مبادئ قانون العمل وخطاب الهوية: الوضع في بلدان اتحاد المغرب العربي، محاضرة قدمت في ندوة "الحرية والمساواة والأخوّة: الجديد في القانوني الاجتماعي"، منشورات كومتراسيك، جامعة مونتيسكيو، بوردو 4.
  • 24 The following books were co-published during 1999/2000: The Accommodation of Cultural Diversity, edited by Crawford Young, co-published with Macmillan; Cambodia Reborn? The Transition to Democracy and Development, by Grant Curtis, co-published with The Brookings Institution; Agricultural Expansion and Tropical Deforestation: Poverty, International Trade and Land Use, Solon Barraclough and Krishna Ghimire, co-published with WWF and Earthscan; Discours et réalités des politiques participatives de gestion de l'environnement: Le cas du Sénégal, edited by Peter Utting and Ronald Jaubert, co-published with l'Institut universitaire d'études du développement; Ecology and Equity: The Use and Abuse of Nature in Contemporary India (re-print in an edition with This Fissured Land) by Madhav Gadgil and Ramachandra Guha, co-published with Oxford University Press India; Ethnic Diversity and Public Policy: A Comparative Inquiry, edited by Crawford Young, co-published with Macmillan; Forest Policy and Politics in the Philippines: The Dynamics of Participatory Conservation, edited by Peter Utting, co-published with Ateneo de Manila University Press; Gendered Poverty and Well-Being, edited by Shahra Razavi, co-published with Blackwell Publishers; Globalizacíon y derechos humanos, edited by Cynthia Hewitt de Alcántara and Alberto Minujin, co-published with UNICEF and Editorial Santillana; Le conflit libanais: Communautés religieuses, classes sociales et identité nationale (Arabic edition), by Kamal Hamdan, co-published with Lebanese Printings Co.; Lima Megaciudad: Democracia, Desarrollo y Descentralización en Sectores Populares, by Jaime Joseph A., co-published with Alternativa and United Nations Volunteers; Missionaries and Mandarins: Feminist Engagement with Development Institutions, edited by Carol Miller and Shahra Razavi, co-published with Intermediate Technology Publications; Oppressed but not Defeated: Peasant Struggles among the Aymara and Qhechwa in Bolivia, 1900-1980 (Japanese edition), by Silvia Rivera, co-published with The English Agency, Japan; Post-Conflict Eritrea: Prospects for Reconstruction and Development, edited by Martin Doornbos and Alemseged Tesfai, co-published with Red Sea Press; Renewing Social and Economic Progress in Africa: Essays in Memory of Philip Ndegwa, edited by Dharam Ghai, co-published with Macmillan; Social and Economic Transformation in East Central Europe, edited by Terry Cox and Bob Mason, co-published with Edward Elgar; Social Development and Public Policy: A Study of Some Successful Experiences, edited by Dharam Ghai, co-published with Macmillan; and Welfare States in Transition: National Adaptations in Global Economies (Japanese edition), edited by Gøsta Esping-Andersen, co-published with Waseda University Press.
    The Transition to Democracy and Development, by Grant Curtis, co-published with The Brookings Institution; Agricultural Expansion and Tropical Deforestation: Poverty, International Trade and Land Use, Solon Barraclough and Krishna Ghimire, co-published with WWF and Earthscan; Discours et réalités des politiques participatives de gestion de l'environnement: Le cas du Sénégal, edited by Peter Utting and Ronald Jaubert, co-published with l'Institut universitaire d'études du développement; Ecology and Equity: The Use and Abuse of Nature in Contemporary India (re-print in an edition with This Fissured Land) by Madhav Gadgil and Ramachandra Guha, co-published with Oxford University Press India; Ethnic Diversity and Public Policy: A Comparative Inquiry, edited by Crawford Young, co-published with Macmillan; Forest Policy and Politics in the Philippines: The Dynamics of Participatory Conservation, edited by Peter Utting, co-published with Ateneo de Manila University Press; Gendered Poverty and Well-Being, edited by Shahra Razavi, co-published with Blackwell Publishers; Globalizacيon y derechos humanos, edited by Cynthia Hewitt de Alcلntara and Alberto Minujin, co-published with UNICEF and Editorial Santillana; Le conflit libanais: Communautés religieuses, classes sociales et identité nationale (Arabic edition), by Kamal Hamdan, co-published with Lebanese Printings Co. ; Lima Megaciudad: Democracia, Desarrollo y Descentralizaciَn en Sectores Populares, by Jaime Joseph A., co-published with Alternativa and United Nations Volunteers; Missionaries and Mandarins: Feminist Engagement with Development Institutions, edited by Carol Miller and Shahra Razavi, co-published with Intermediate Technology Publications; Oppressed but not Defeated: Peasant Struggles among the Aymara and Qhechwa in Bolivia, 1900-1980 (Japanese edition), by Silvia Rivera, co-published with The English Agency, Japan; Post-Conflict Eritrea: Prospects for Reconstruction and Development, edited by Martin Doornbos and Alemseged Tesfai, co-published with Red Sea Press; Renewing Social and Economic Progress in Africa: Essays in Memory of Philip Ndegwa, edited by Dharam Ghai, co-published with Macmillan; Social and Economic Transformation in East Central Europe, edited by Terry Cox and Bob Mason, co-published with Edward Elgar; Social Development and Public Policy: A Study of Some Successful Experiences, edited by Dharam Ghai, co-published with Macmillan; and Welfare States in Transition: National Adaptations in Global Economies (Japanese edition), edited by Gّsta Esping-Andersen, co-published with Waseda University Press