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  • In addition, the Special Rapporteur addressed the suspension of newspapers and radio stations by the authorities brought to his attention: the seizing of Roja Teze on 24 June 2000 in connection with two articles referring to “Kurdistan” and the “Kurdish national movement”; the 90-day suspension by the Audio-visual Council of Turkey (RTÜK) of Umut Radio on 27 July 2000 for “inciting to violence, terror and ethnic discrimination” by broadcasting a song by the extreme-left group, Cemo; the one-year suspension by the RTÜK of Özgür Radyo on 23 August 2000 for broadcasting a song by the extreme-left group, Kizilrmak; the seizing of Yeni Gündem on 31 August 2000 by the Security Court of the State of Istanbul for publishing an article on the “Kurdish revolution”; the 10-day suspension of Yeni Evrensel on 6 October 2000 following publication of an article entitled “The Kurdish issue and the fight for equal rights”, and the sentencing of its editor-in-chief, Tuncay Seyman, to a fine.
    ويقال إن جنوداً يرتدون لباساً رسمياً أطلقوا النار على الناس خلال الحلقة الدراسية مما أدى إلى مقتل طالب اسمه مرغامي محمود النرمان وإصابة عدة طلاب آخرين بجروح منهم صلاح هولي وأبو شيبه.