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  • In New York, the United States journalist Mary Seral, a correspondent for the Sunday Times, said that she had seen many scenes in the camp, and that all the images that had been shown and broadcast did not reflect the reality. The facts showed that the Israeli army had deliberately destroyed the camp and attacked its population in violation of every law. Israeli soldiers prevented the family of the martyr Gamal Fayed from taking him out of his house, even though he was crippled, was not fighting and did not pose any security threat to the soldiers.
    46 بعد عودة الأهالي للمخيم بدأوا بإزالة الأنقاض بحثاً عن أوراق أو مستندات تثبت هويتهم الشخصية أو قطع المصاغ التي طمروها قبل طردهم من منازلهم أو بعض أثاثهم وملابسهم، ولكن المواطنة أم هيثم لم تجد تحت الأنقاض شيئا يذكرها بمنزلها، فقد دمر كل شيء وحتى ملابسهم وأثاثهم لم يبق منه ما يمكن أن يستخدم أو يستفاد منه.