Şunun için tam çeviri sonucu bulunamadı bleeding

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  • Le 'Bleeding Madras'. - Le Prix?
    مادراس النازفه السعر؟-
  • Martin, au sujet de ces Bleeding Madras?
    (مارتن) بشأن قمصان مادراس النازفه تلك
  • "Encore une fois, j'écris pour protester contre votre exploitation holographique de l'icône du Blues, Bleeding Gums Murphy.
    مرة أخرى أكتب احتجاجا على" استغلالك خاصية الأبعاد الثلاثية في صورة البلوز" .لبليدينغ غيمز مارفي عازف (ليزا) المفضل
  • Voir, par exemple, Caritas Internationalis, « Les relations avec les militaires » (avril 2006); Humanitarian Policy Group, « Resetting the rules of engagement: trends and issues in military-humanitarian relations » (mars 2006); Ockenden International, « Bleeding boundaries: civil-military relations and the cartography of neutrality » (novembre 2005); Humanitarian Practice Network, « A bridge too far: aid agencies and the military in humanitarian response » (janvier 2002); VENRO, « Armed forces as humanitarian aid workers?
    انظر على سبيل المثال Humanitarian Policy Group “Caritas Internationalis, Relations with the Military” (April 2006)، Resetting the rules of engagement Trends and issues in military-humanitarian relations (March 2006)؛ Ockenden International, Bleeding boundaries: Civil-military relations and the cartography of neutrality (November 2005); Humanitarian Practice Network, “A Bridge Too Far: Aid Agencies and the Military in Humanitarian Response” (January 2002); Association of German Development Non-Governmental Organisations (VENRO), “Armed Forces as Humanitarian Aid Workers?