to standardize [ standardized ; standardized ]
to standardize [ standardized ; standardized ]
to standardize {weights & measures}, [ standardized ; standardized ]
to standardize [ standardized ; standardized ]
عاير {المِكْيالَ أو المِيزانَ أو الآلَةَ إلخ}
to standardize [ standardized ; standardized ]
to standardize [ standardized ; standardized ]
to standardize {weights & measures}
قَيَّسَ {وحدة قياس المنتجات (حجمًا أو وزنًا)}
similar Results
standardized (adj.) , {weights & measures}
standardized (adj.) , [ more standardized ; most standardized ]
standardized rate {adjusted rate}, {med.}
مُعَدَّلٌ مُعَيَّر {مُعَدَّلٌ مُضَّبَّط}، {طب}