sophist [pl. sophists] , {phil.}
سفسطائي {فلسفة}
sophist [pl. sophists]
sophist [pl. sophists]
sophist [pl. sophists]
Sophist {phil.}
جَدَلِيّ {فلسفة}
similar Results
sophistic (adj.) , {al}, [ more sophistic ; most sophistic]
sophistic (adj.) , {phil.}
جَدَلِيّ {فلسفة}
sophistic (adj.) , {al}, [ more sophistic ; most sophistic ] , {phil.}
سفسطائي {فلسفة}
sophister (n.) , [pl. sophisters]
sophistic (adj.) , [ more sophistic ; most sophistic]
sophisters (n.) , Pl., {phil.}
sophistical (adj.) , [ more sophistical ; most sophistical ] , {phil.}
سفسطائي {فلسفة}
sophistical (adj.) , {phil.}
جَدَلِيّ {فلسفة}
to sophisticate (v.) , {relations}, [ sophisticated ; sophisticated ] , {law}
عقد {قانون}
to sophisticate (v.) , [ sophisticated ; sophisticated ]
to sophisticate (v.) , {relations}
to sophisticate (v.) , {relations}
to sophisticate (v.) , [ sophisticated ; sophisticated ]
sophisticate (n.) , [pl. sophisticates]
to sophisticate (v.) , {relations}