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متصاب {المُتَصَابِي}
to act in a servile manner (v.) , {before}
to act in a servile manner (v.) , {before}
تذلل {لِـ}
to act in a servile manner (v.) , {before}
childish (adj.) , [ more childish ; most childish]
childish (adj.) , [ more childish ; most childish]
childish (adj.) , [ more childish ; most childish]
childish (adj.)
childish (adj.)
childish (adj.) , [ more childish ; most childish]
childish (adj.) , [ more childish ; most childish ]
manner (n.) , {shapes}
منحى {جمعه: مَنَاحٍ}
manner (n.) , {shapes}, {econ.}
بِنْيَة {اقتصاد}
مثال {يُحْتَذَى}
manner (n.) , {shapes}