relevante Treffer
cinematic amputation {kineplastic amputation}, {Med}
بَتْرٌ تَحْريكِيّ {بَتْرٌ بِرَأبٍ ضامِنٍ لِلْحَرَكَة}، {طب}
رقم تحريكي {مساحة}
vergence {Physik}
تقارب {فزياء}
rapprochement (n.) , [pl. rapprochements]
to converge (v.) , [ converged ; converged ]
to near (v.) , [ neared ; neared ]
approach (n.) , [pl. approaches]
convergence (n.) , [pl. convergences]
approximation (n.) , [pl. approximations]
convergency (n.) , [pl. convergencies]
to come (v.)
range of convergence {range of accommodation}, {Med}
مَجَالُ التَقَارُبِ {مَجالُ التَّكَيُّف}، {طب}
affinity mask (n.) , {Comp}
قناع تقارب {كمبيوتر}
data convergence (n.) , {Comp}
proximity search (n.) , {Comp}