critical file (n.) , {comp.}
ملف هام {كمبيوتر}
Resultados relevantes
field coil {Elec. Eng.}
field coil {Elec. Eng.}
ملف المجال ملف تحريض {هندسة كهربائية}
to be thirsty (v.)
significative (adj.) , {account.}
هامّ {محاسبة}
to thirst (v.)
to adore (v.)
to love (v.)
material (adj.) , [ more material ; most material]
to stray (v.)
particular (adj.) , [ more particular ; most particular]
prominent (adj.) , [ more prominent ; most prominent]
crucial (adj.)
to straggle (v.)
certain (adj.)
to adore (v.)
weighty (adj.)
grave (adj.)
awe-inspiring (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}
horrible (adj.) , {feelings & emotions}