No exact translation found for
سكن الخدم

related Results
to serve (v.) , {relations}, [ served ; served ]
to wait (v.)
lackeys (n.) , [sing. a lackey]
courtiers (n.) , [sing. a courtier]
menials (n.) , [sing. a menial]
ministrants (n.) , [sing. a ministrant]
footmen (n.) , [sing. a footman]
train (n.) , [pl. trains]
audience (n.) , Pl.
attendants (n.) , Pl.
to service (v.)
to minister (v.) , [ ministered ; ministered ]
to attend (v.) , [ attended ; attended ] , {comm.}
خدم {اتصالات}
to tend (v.) , [ tended ; tended ]
served (adj.) , {relations}
valets (n.) , [sing. a valet]
servitors (n.) , [sing. a servitor]
servants (n.) , [sing. a servant]
scullions (n.) , [sing. a scullion]
retainers (n.) , [sing. a retainer]
domestics (n.) , [sing. a domestic]
to function (v.)
butler (n.) , [pl. butlers]
butler (n.) , [pl. butlers]