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  • Her zaman yılın bu zamnı ortalarda olur, gittiği her yere neşe ve mutluluk saçar, ve çocuklar sırf onu görebilmek için sırada bekler. ♪ Well, times were different, and I think you'll concur ♪ ♪ that little babies shouldn't play ♪ ♪ with frankincense or myrrh unless it's ♪ ♪ happy birthday, baby Jesus ♪ ♪ happy Christmas, happy kwanzaa ♪ ♪ happy hanukkah ♪ ♪ and happy, happy birthday, baby Jesus ♪
    أنه دائماً يأتي في ،هذا الوقت من العام ينشره الفرح و السعادة ،أينما يذهب والأطفال ينتظرون في صفوف .فقط ليروه