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  • " He will wait until "
    الرجاء عدم مسح اسم المترجم
  • # Until the light of day #
    # حتى إشراقة يوم جديد #
  • Until finally... Fino a quando
    ... حتى أخيراً
  • - "Until We Meat Again." - Diana Ross.
    - "حتي نلحم مرة ثانية" - ديانا روس. يقصد بها الأغية: حتى نتقابل مرة ثانية
  • Merrily, we roll along until the morning comes
    بشكل مرح، نلف على طول حتى يأتي الصباح
  • ♪ But I love you ♪ ♪ I love you ♪ ♪ Until ♪ ♪ Until the end of ♪ ♪ The end of ♪ ♪ Time ♪ ♪ Come what may... ♪ ♪ Come ♪ ♪ What may... ♪ ♪ I will ♪ ♪ Love... ♪ ♪ You ♪ ♪ I will love you. ♪
    * لكن أنا أحبك * * أحبك * * حتى نهاية الوقت *
  • How about any of these kids, did they see it? Sure, yeah, you know, until you ask 'em, and then nobody saw nothing.
    طبعاً ، نعم. حتى تسألهم عندها لن تجد أحد شاهد شيئاً
  • Lo sei sempre stato. e lo sarai di nuovo. ♪ All alone, stay with me until the dawn ♪ ♪ Can't keep falling apart ♪ ♪ We gotta let this go ♪ ♪ my body can't say no ♪
    وسوف تكون قوي من جديد من الأفضل أن أذهب لأصارع العروس
  • ♪ But I love you ♪ ♪ Until the end ♪ ♪ Of ♪ ♪ Time ♪ ♪ Come what ♪ ♪ May... ♪ ♪ Come what may... ♪ ♪ I will ♪ ♪ Love you ♪ ♪ Until my dying... ♪ ♪ Day... ♪ ♪ Suddenly the world ♪ ♪ Seems such a ♪ ♪ Perfect place ♪ ♪ Suddenly it moves with such ♪ ♪ A perfect grace ♪ ♪ Suddenly my life ♪ ♪ Doesn't seem ♪ ♪ Such a waste ♪ ♪ It all revolves ♪ ♪ Around you ♪ ♪ And there's no mountain ♪ ♪ Too high ♪ ♪ No river ♪ ♪ Too wide ♪ ♪ Sing out this song ♪ ♪ And I'll be there ♪ ♪ By your side ♪ ♪ Storm clouds may gather ♪ ♪ And stars may collide ♪
    * لكني أحبك * * حتى نهاية * * الوقت *
  • ♪ Some folk we never forget ♪ ♪ Some kind we never forgive ♪ ♪ Haven't seen the back of us yet ♪ ♪ We'll fight as long as we live ♪ ♪ All eyes on the hidden door ♪ ♪ To the Lonely Mountain borne ♪ ♪ We'll ride in the gathering storm ♪ ♪ Until we get our long-forgotten gold ♪ ♪ We lay under the misty mountains cold ♪ ♪ In slumbers deep ♪ ♪ And dreams of gold ♪ ♪ We must awake ♪ ♪ Our lives to make ♪ ♪ And in the darkness a torch we hold ♪ ♪ From long ago when lanterns burned ♪ ♪ Until this day ♪ ♪ Our hearts have yearned ♪ ♪ Her fate unknown ♪ ♪ The Arkenstone ♪ ♪ What was stolen ♪ ♪ Must be returned ♪
    ‘‘بعض الأقوام نسيانُنا لها مستحيل’’ :ترجمة Al-Hassan ( حسن اِحميد ) ‘‘بعض القبائل غفرانُنا لها مستحيل’’ :ترجمة Al-Hassan ( حسن اِحميد ) ‘‘لم أرَ الخلف بعد’’ :ترجمة Al-Hassan ( حسن اِحميد )