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Traduire anglais arabe Mahl

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  • I kept thinking to myself that it was nothing. byuhl eel ee ah neel soo eet dah goh but it was awkward when I talked to you. sah soh hahn mah eum ee rah goh but it was awkward when I talked to you. nae gah neh geh jah koo (neh geh jah koo) mahl eul hah neun geh uh saek hahn guhl
    أقنع نفسي بأنك لا تعنين لي شيئاً byuhl eel ee ah neel soo eet dah goh .. ولكن حينما تحدثت معك sah soh hahn mah eum ee rah goh من الصعب أن أصمد أكثر nae gah neh geh jah koo (neh geh jah koo) mahl eul hah neun geh uh saek hahn guhl