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  • Sue'yu neşelendirelim. ♪ everyone knows an ant ♪ ♪ can't ♪ ♪ move a rubber tree plant ♪ ♪ but he's got, 'cause he's got ♪ ♪ high hopes ♪
    /يعرف الجميع نملة/ /لا تستطيع/ /تحريك شجيرة مطاط/
  • İğrençti. ♪ High, apple pie in the sky hopes ♪ ♪ So when the job is getting rough ♪ ♪ so when you ♪
    عالياً ، فطيرة التفاح " "في السماء وتأمل /لذا عندما يصعب العمل/