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  • Véanse igualmente: Yoram Dinstein, The Reform of the Protection of Human Rights During Armed Conflicts and Periods of Emergency and Crisis, en The Reform of International Institutions for the Protection of Human Rights, First International Colloqium on Human Rights 337 (1993); M. Cherif Bassiouni, States of Emergency and States of Exception: Human Rights Abuses and Impunity under Color of Law, in Non-Derogable Rights and States of Emergency 125 (Daniel Premont ed., 1996); Stephen P. Marks, Principles and Norms of Human Rights Applicable in Emergency Situations: Underdevelopment, Catastrophes and Armed Conflicts, en 1 The International Dimensions of Human Rights 175 (1982); Juez R. St.
    679 (1971)؛ والاتفاقية الأوروبية لحماية حقوق الإنسان والحريات الأساسية، 4 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 1950، المادة 15، 213 UNTS 222؛ وانظر أيضا Yoram Dinstein, The Reform Of The Protection Of Human Rights During Armed Conflicts And Periods Of Emergency And Crisis, In The Reform Of International Institutions For The Protection Of Human Rights First International Colloqium On Human Rights 337 (1993) ؛ وM. Cherif Bassiouni, States Of Emergency And States Of Exception: Human Rights Abuses And Impunity Under Color Of Law, In NON-DEROGABLE RIGHTS AND STATES OF EMERGENCY 125 (Daniel Premont Ed., 1996)؛ وStephen P. Marks, Principles And Norms Of Human Rights Applicable In Emergency Situations: Underdevelopment, Catastrophes And Armed Conflicts, In 1 THE INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS 175 (1982)؛ وJudge R. St.