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  • They can be inviting
    * مع راسي بين يداي *
  • It is true that the Government of Guinea has never opposed the Panel's visits, but Guinea could very easily have removed suspicion by inviting the Panel to observe the unloading of flights known to belong to Katex Mines. Likewise, Guinea could have given the Panel access to Katex documents, or even undertaken its own investigation, as a number of countries have done when the Panel expressed concerns about certain transactions.
    علم الفريق أن عددا من كبار المسؤولين الذين عملوا أثناء رئاسة تايلور قد لجأوا إلى بعض بلدان المنطقة دون الإقليمية، على النحو المبين في الجدول 3.