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  • I'm gonna grab some more.
    سأمسك بأكثر
  • Many more will...
    وسيضحى باكثر
  • Can I have some more?
    هل لي بأكثر؟
  • In more ways than one.
    بأكثر من طريقة
  • You've already done more than enough.
    قمت بأكثر من اللازم
  • You work for the burches, right?
    متأخرون بأكثر مما ينبغي
  • With my deepest, darkest secret.
    بأكثر أسرارى سريًة وأهمية
  • No more than I wounded him.
    ليس بأكثر مما جرحته
  • And the piece sold for way more than it was worth.
    واللوحـــة بيعـــت بأكثر مماتستحـــق
  • I've never been happier.
    أنا بأكثر حالاتي سعادة