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  • The entire world is on one side and we're on the other.
    الدنيا كلها في عالم ونحن في عالم اخر
  • An overarching objective in the development of needs assessments will be to provide a concerted platform for national and international capacity-building and technology support activities in response to priorities approved across entire Governments, where appropriate within the framework of poverty reduction strategy papers.
    وخلال فترة السنتين 2006-2007، ستتمثل واحدة من السبل الرئيسية المستخدمة لتفعيل الخطة فيما يتم من خلال بناء شراكات أقوى وفعالة وتحقيق تنسيق وتعاون محسنين مع جميع الشركاء، على النحو المفصل في القسم هاء أدناه.
  • We're gonna fly to screw each morning we're gonna smile the entire time we're gonna be more happy we're gonna finally be fine we're gonna get more calm and normal we're gonna fix our state of mind we're gonna be less crazy we're gonna finally be fine we're gonna stand holding hands in a brand new land far away from the borderline we're gonna seem like a mainstream dream and be appealing to all mankind we're gonna have more fun and be less weird than the first two years combined and we're gonna live forever and we're gonna sleep together and we're gonna finally be sunny and shinily we're gonna finally be fine
    @ سوف نطير لنلعب كل صباح @ @ سوف نبتسم طوال اليوم @ @ سوف نكون أكثر سعادة @