  • Wadi Al Batin is a regionally important water collection and transport system, and the geological materials in the Wadi are generally more porous than those in the other areas. (see Al-Sulaimi, J, Khalaf, F.J, and Mukhopadhyay, A., “Geomorphological analysis of paleo drainage systems and environmental implications in the desert of Kuwait”, Environmental Geology 29, January 1997; and El-Baz, F. and Al-Sarawi, M. Z.,“Kuwait as an alluvial fan of a paleo-river”, Geomorphologie Neue Folge, April 1996.
    ووادي الباطن هو نظام هام إقليمياً لجمع المياه ونقلها، وبصفة عامة فإن الموارد الجيولوجية في هذا الوادي أكثر مسامية منها في مناطق أخرى (انظرAl-Sulaimi, J, Khalaf, F. J, and Mukhopadhyay, A, "Geomorphological analysis of paleo drainage systems and environmental implications in the desert of Kuwait", Environmental Geology 29, January 1997; and El-Baz F. and Al-Sarawi, M. Z., "Kuwait as an alluvial fan of a paleo-river", Geomorphologie Neue Folge, April 1996).