  • Provisional proposals suggest that a small proportion of the duty levied by the Government on exported diamonds may be used as “seed corn” funding for local initiatives.
    وهناك اقتراحات مؤقتة بأن تخصص الحكومة جزءا صغيرا من الرسوم التي تفرضها على الماس المصدر إلى الخارج، في التمويل المبدئي لبعض المبادرات المحلية.
  • In practice, evaluation represents a small proportion of the duties for many of these staff, as they are also responsible for planning, surveys, statistics and policy analysis.
    وفي الواقع العملي، لا يمثل التقييم إلا جانب صغير من واجبات كثير من هؤلاء الموظفين، حيث أنهم يضطلعون أيضا بمسؤوليات التخطيط وإجراء الدراسات الاستقصائية والإحصاءات وتحليل السياسات.
  • Parental duty to take care of their underage children In accordance with the requirements of the Covenant, Article 179 of the Civil Law provides that it is the parents' duty in proportion to their material and social position to take care of the life and welfare of their dependant children, to provide them with nutrition, i.e., to provide food, housing, clothes, to take care of them, to bring them up and educate.
    وفقاً لاشتراطات العهد تنص المادة 179 من القانون المدني على أن من واجب الآباء، بحسب وضعهم الاجتماعي والمادي، رعاية الحياة والرفاه لدى الأطفال الذين يعتمدون عليهم وأن يوفروا لهم التغذية، أي أن يقدموا لهم الطعام والمسكن والملبس وأن يقوموا على رعايتهم وعلى تربيتهم وتعليمهم.
  • The principal change introduced by this new law is to prohibit the employment of children under the age of 16 years as domestic employees; Law No. 2006-58 allowing mothers of young or handicapped children to work part-time at two-thirds pay while retaining full rights to advancement, promotion, holiday, retirement and social coverage, with a view to “prevent discrimination against women on the grounds of marriage or maternity and to ensure their effective right to work” (article 11.2 of the CEDAW); Law No. 2006-69 of 28 October 2006 whereby gifts between ascendants and descendents and between spouses are exempt from the proportional registration duty; Law No. 2007-32 of 14 May 2007 amending certain provisions of the Personal Status Code establishing the age of marriage for girls and boys at 18 years; Law No. 2008-20 of 4 March 2008 amending certain provisions of the Personal Status Code, entitling a mother with child custody rights, in the case of separation or divorce, to retain custody of her nursing child in the conjugal home, when she has no other lodging, without prejudice to ownership rights, which are guaranteed in all cases; Law No. 2008-36 of 9 June 2008 withdrawing declaration 1 and reservations 1 and 3 attached to Law No. 91-91 of 29 November 1991, ratifying the Convention on the Rights of the Child; Law No. 2008-58 of 4 August 2008 on the treatment of pregnant and nursing women in detention, providing for the creation of suitably protected spaces for shielding such women while they are pregnant or nursing.
    - القانون عدد 2003-51 المؤرخ 7 تموز/يوليه 2003، المعدّل والمكمّل للقانون عدد 1998-75 المؤرخ 28 تشرين الأول/أكتوبر 1998 المتعلق بإسناد لقب عائلي للأطفال المهملين أو مجهولي النسب؛