  • They found his car parked in some private garage.
    ووجدوا سيّارته .مركونة بمرآب خاص
  • Private elevator and garage?
    مصعد خــاص ؟ ومرآب ؟
  • The car, which had an ordinary license plate for security reasons, was parked at the private garage under the residence of Mr. Karakaya.
    قامت إدارة المطافئ المحلية بإخماد النار حوالي الساعة 00/22.
  • The fire was extinguished by the local fire department around 10 p.m. Nevertheless, Mr. Karakaya's car, which was parked at a corner on the second floor of the two-floor private garage, was completely burnt.
    غير أن سيارة السيد كاراكايا التي كانت واقفة في زاوية بالطابق الثاني من المرأب الخاص المكون من طابقين احترقت عن آخرها.