  • National renal transplantation programme
    الحظر الأمريكي على الشركات المتعاملة مع الجماهيرية العظمى
  • Medical procurement for renal disorders and transplantation
    الإمداد الطبي فيما يخص مجال أمراض الكلى وزراعة الكلى:
  • The donation would have made it possible to link all nephrology services in the country, giving technical contribution to substantially improve the coordination for carrying out renal transplants.
    وكانت هذه الهبة ستتيح ربط جميع مراكز بحوث وأمراض الكلى المنتشرة في أرجاء البلاد بحيث تساهم تقنيا في تحسين التنسيق في مجال زرع الكلى تحسينا جوهريا.
  • Malta reported that decisions regarding the different criteria to permit a kidney donation were made on a case-by-case basis by the Renal Transplant Committee.
    وأفادت مالطة بأن لجنة زرع الكلى هي التي تتخذ القرارات المتعلقة بمختلف المعايير للسماح بالتبرع بكلية على أساس كل حالة بحدتها.
  • Supplies of laboratory preparations and reagents, including those used for histocompatibility typing and renal transplantation, were refused. Procedures of this kind were thus not performed at all or were postponed.
    - الأنسولينات التي تنقل عن طريق الجو وصعوبة وجود البواخر المجهزة بالثلاجات مما أثر على توريدها في الوقت المناسب.
  • The Biotest company (supplies for renal transplantation) could only export to the Jamahiriya after obtaining an export license endorsed by several agencies in the country of origin, the United States of America.
    - ولا تقوم شركة BIOTEST (مواد زراعة الكلى) بالتوريد إلى الجماهيرية العظمى إلا بعد الحصول على إذن تصدير معتمد من عدة جهات مختصة ببلد المنشأ الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
  • Shipments of special drugs for both renal disorders and renal transplantation were delivered late, thus interrupting the treatment of patients undergoing regular dialysis and reducing its effectiveness. Interruptions in the supply of immunosuppressants caused many cases of rejection so that the transplanted organs were lost and cases of kidney failure mounted, to say nothing of the financial loss to the community and to the State budget. Haemodialysis units also suffered from acute shortages of the following drugs, preparations and supplies:
    تأخر وصول شحنات الأدوية ذات الطبيعة الخاصة سواء لأمراض الكلى أو زراعة الكلى مما أدى إلى تقطع العلاج للمرضى المترددين على الغسيل الكلوي مما قلل من كفاءته، وكذلك أدى انقطاع الأدوية المساعدة على عدم حدوث رفض للكلية المزروعة للمواطنين، إلى رفض العديد من الحالات للكلية المزروعة لهم مما أدى إلى خسارة الأعضاء المزروعة وتراكم حالات الفشل الكلوي، ناهيك على الخسارة المالية التي يتحملها المجتمع وميزانية الدولة، وعانت وحدات الكلية الصناعية من نواقص في الأدوية والمحاليل والمستلزمات على النحو التالي:
  • Furthermore, the Canadian Organ Replacement Register is a national database whose mandate is to record and analyse the level of activity and outcomes of vital organ transplantation and renal dialysis activities.
    وعلاوة على ذلك، هناك السجل الكندي للأعضاء البديلة، وهو قاعدة بيانات وطنية مخصصة لتسجيل وتحليل مستوى نشاط ونتائج زرع الأعضاء الحيوية وأنشطة غسيل الكلى.
  • The provision of comprehensive health care, both primary and specialized, to the entire population of the country; Increased life expectancy through the lowering of mortality and prevalence of disease; Continued eradication of communicable diseases, especially the childhood diseases at which the national vaccination programme is aimed, as well as new and exotic diseases; Early detection and optimal treatment of chronic diseases; Targeted programmes aimed at population segments having economic and social importance, in particular mothers, children, school students and youth, as well as the elderly, persons with special needs and professionals; Provision of a unified technical data and information base for the planning, follow-up and assessment of health performance in the country, together with participation in the working manpower programme and the training of that manpower in specialized technical and administrative institutes; Establishment of specialized centres and therapeutic/diagnostic units, such as open heart surgery units; organ surgery and transplant units; renal lithotripsy units for the treatment of kidney stones, in which shock waves, rather than surgery, are used; units for examining the heart and arteries by means of catheterization; and dialysis units for patients with chronic end-stage kidney failure.
    • إنشاء المراكز التخصصية والوحدات التشخيصية العلاجية؛ مثل وحدات جراحات القلب المفتوح، وحدة جراحة وزراعة الأعضاء، وحدات تفتيت حصوات الكلى بدون جراحة باستخدام تقنية الموجات التصادمية، وحدات فحص القلب والشرايين بالقسطرة، وحدات الاستسقاء الدموي لمرضى الفشل الكلوي النهائي المزمن؛
  • The provision of comprehensive health care, both primary and specialized, to the entire population of the country; Increased life expectancy through the lowering of mortality and the prevalence of disease; Continued eradication of communicable diseases, especially the childhood diseases at which the national vaccination programme is aimed, as well as new and exotic diseases; Early detection and optimal treatment of chronic diseases; Identification of targeted programmes aimed at population segments having economic and social importance, in particular mothers, children, school students and the youth, as well as the elderly, persons with special needs and professionals; Provision of a unified technical data and information base for the planning, follow-up and assessment of health performance in the country, together with participation in the working manpower programme and the training of that manpower in specialized technical and administrative institutes; Establishment of specialized centres and therapeutic/diagnostic units; such as open-heart-surgery units; organ surgery and transplant units; renal lithotripsy units for the treatment of kidney stones, in which shock waves, rather than surgery, are used; units for examining the heart and arteries by means of catheterization; and dialysis units for patients with chronic end-stage kidney failure; Development of health strategies, establishment of accurate criteria and specifications for health facilities and providing of those facilities with the most up-to-date high-technology equipment in order to keep abreast of current developments and scientific achievements; Concern with preventive and booster programmes through the development of strategies aimed at fighting epidemic and contagious diseases and with programmes intended for specific segments of society, such as children, mothers and school students.
    • إنشاء المراكز التخصصية والوحدات التشخيصية العلاجية؛ مثل وحدات جراحات القلب المفتوح، ووحدة جراحة وزراعة الأعضاء، ووحدات تفتيت حصوات الكلى بدون جراحة باستخدام تقنية الموجات التصادمية، ووحدات فحص القلب والشرايين بالقسطرة، وحدات الاستسقاء الدموي لمرضى الفشل الكلوي النهائي المزمن؛