New: Verb conjugations - all tenses, all adjective , plural forms; accusative, dative and genitive, optimized search with word stem.
I got shut out.شيىء ما يحجزنى
Shut out the world.و تنهى العالم
Shut out the lights!إفصل الكهرباء
Nobody shuts out my blather!لا احد يجبرني علي السكوت ابدا !
I'll shut out the noise.سأمنع هذه الضوضاء
It's like we're shut out.تحذير اقول لكم , وكاننا فصلنا
Who shut out the lights?من أطفأ الضوء؟
and shutting out the day..وإنهاء اليوم
Have you been shut out, too?هل حُجزتَ خارجاً أنتَ أيضاً؟
The world is now shut out.إنّ العالمَ يَمْنعُ الآن.