  • Repression. Being oppressed
    القمع. أنْ تكُونَ مُضطهداً
  • The Wadiyan people love being oppressed!
    الناس يحبون يجري Wadiyan المظلومين!
  • Do not oppress and do not be oppressed
    لا تكن ظالما أو مظلوما
  • Oh, just being oppressed by the man -- the usual.
    ، فقط يتم اضطهادنا من قبل رجلٍ ما . كالمعتاد
  • Well that's before it was being oppressed by a--
    ...كان ذلك قبل أن يقمعها
  • You don't have to be black to be oppressed.
    لا يجب أن تكون أسود لتكون محبطاً
  • Be honest. Oppression is in your nature.
    .كن صادقًا، القمع فى طبيعتكم
  • Regardless, we have a responsibility... ...to the millions of people being oppressed on his world.
    ،بغض النظر عن هذا .علينا مسؤلية بقية شعبه المقموع في عالمه
  • I'm not going to be oppressed like you and the other women in this village
    لن أضطهد مثلك والنساء الأخريات في هذه القرية
  • Wherever there's' a war anywhere in the world, it's Muslims who are being oppressed. . .
    حيثما توجد حرب في أي مكان في العالم تجد ان المسلمين هم من يتعرض للاضطهاد