مظلة تحكم إضافية {لضبط فتح المظلة الرئيسية}
  • You arranged for the pilot to parachute to safety while I was left to die on the plane.
    لقد إتفقت مع الطيار أن يهبط آمنا بالمظله بينما أظل أنا فى الطائره لأموت
  • ICRC has refuted these claims with the reports of its experts. The Swiss aircraft expert entrusted by all the parties with the task of examining the wreckage has stated that the aircraft impacted at very high speed, and his report finds that, on the basis of the highly fragmented state of the wreckage, which is evident from the cockpit, the ejector seat and the pilot's parachute, it must be concluded that the pilot did not eject from the aircraft before impact.
    ويستنتج تقريره “أنه استنادا إلى التشظي الكبير للحطام والواضح في مقصورة القيادة وكرسي القذف ومظلة الطيار فإنه يجب التوصل إلى أن الطيار لم يقذف من الطائرة قبل اصطدامها”.