  • Engine knock. Yep. I'd know it anywhere.
    المحرك يقرقع اعلم انه بكل مكان
  • Yeah. I'm pretty sure that's... not what happens. (laughs) (starter grinding, engine stalling) (grinding continues) (engine stalling) (engine knocking and clicking) (engine dies) Is there a problem?
    أجل. أَنا متأكد بأن ذلك. . . لَيسَ ما يحدث
  • (loud backfire) Barely. (engine sputters then stalls) (knocking on door)
    هل يجب ان اتذكر كذبات او شي اخر؟
  • lf you put in the cheap stuff... the engine will start knocking' and I don't want that.
    فإن المحرك سيبدأيهترئ أنا لاأريد ذلك