  • Following the military operations in Missan province, the Government of Iraq is beginning to implement a $102-million programme to refurbish and rebuild schools, develop municipalities, improve electricity and health services, build up the police forces and provide clean water and unemployment assistance.
    وفي أعقاب العمليات العسكرية في محافظة ميسان بدأت الحكومة العراقية بتنفيذ برنامج مقداره 102 مليون دولار لتجديد المدارس وإعادة إعمارها وتطوير البلديات وتحسين الخدمات الكهربائية والصحية وبناء قوات الشرطة وتوفير المياه النظيفة وتقديم المساعدة للعاطلين عن العمل.
  • Association découverte nature: Its purpose is “to promote the discovery of and familiarity with nature, principally through entomology or any other discipline, to enrich this new awareness through a more in-depth study of flora and fauna, and in this way to help to shape well-educated and balanced human beings”; Association monégasque des amis des véhicules électriques: Its purpose is “to bring together all individuals and organizations with an interest in electric vehicles as well as potential users thereof, to encourage and promote the use of all types of electric vehicles, to research, archive, publish and disseminate all information concerning electric vehicles, and to build up knowledge in this area through references, discussions or symposia as well as through international relations with organizations having the same objectives”; Association monégasque pour la protection de la nature: Its purpose is “to spread in the Principality of Monaco the idea of the protection of nature and better use of its resources and promote the realization of this aim by all appropriate means, to encourage all actions and studies along these lines, to manage Monaco's underwater reserve (Larvotto) and its coral reserve (Pointe Focignane), and to propose the establishment of new nature reserves”; Ecopolis: Its purpose is “to support sustainable development and to promote social, cultural, economic and industrial patterns of behaviour to that end in our city; to raise awareness about the concept of `sustainable development'; to help to improve the quality of life in the urban environment; to take action to reduce the consumption of energy, raw materials and natural resources; to provide the public with information concerning the environmental impacts of products; and to hold discussions on waste management and to table any proposal for its improvement”.
    جمعية أصدقاء المركبات الكهربائية في موناكو: تهدف إلى "لم شمل جميع الأشخاص الطبيعيين أو المعنويين الذي يُبدون اهتماماً بالمركبات الكهربائية وكذلك الأشخاص الذين يحتمل أن يصيروا من مستعمِلي هذه المركبات؛ وتشجيع استعمال المركبات الكهربائية بجميع أشكاله والترويـج له؛ وإجراء البحوث وحفظ الملفات ونشر وتوزيع جميع المعلومات المتعلقة بالمركبات الكهربائية وزيادة المعارف في هذا المجال من خلال تقديم مراجع وتنظيم مناقشات أو مناظرات، وكذلك من خلال إقامة علاقات دولية مع منظمات تسعى إلى الأهداف ذاتها".