  • Oh, these strugglers.
    نعم، هذين المناضلين
  • I'll see you strugglers later
    سأراكم تقاومون لاحقا
  • A veteran struggler. Since nine months.
    مكافح قديم .. منذ تسعة أشهر
  • And those strugglers are bustin' my balls
    وأولئك المتعثرين يكسروا فى كراتى
  • Miles: And those strugglers are bustin' my balls
    وأولئك المتعثرين يكسروا فى كراتى
  • The loss of our leader will not weaken us. He has left behind him our young people: stronger fighters and strugglers who will, with great perseverance and determination, continue to pursue the aspirations for which our courageous leader, President Arafat, struggled.
    لقد خلف وراءه أشبالاً ومحاربين أشداء سيندفعون كعادتهم بمزيد من العزم والإرادة لتحقيق الحلم الذي حارب من أجله البطل الشجاع الرئيس عرفات.
  • You want me to carry a camera with me at all times, no matter where I go, find girls whose last names start with specific letters of the alphabet, have sex with them, and either talk them into letting me take their picture, or if they're not into it wait around till they've fallen asleep, then very quietly take a picture of them without waking them up, and then bring the picture back here as proof for you strugglers
    تريدنى ان احمل اله تصوير فى جميع الاوقات اينما اذهب ابحث عن الفتيات الذين يملكون الحروف المعينه فى اخر اسمائهم
  • You want me to carry a camera with me at all times, no matter where I go, find girls whose last names start with specific letters of the alphabet, have sex with them, and either talk them into letting me take their picture, or if they're not into it wait around till they've fallen asleep, then very quietly take a picture of them without waking them up, and then bring the picture back here as proof for you strugglers
    تريدنى ان احمل اله تصوير فى جميع الاوقات اينما اذهب ابحث عن الفتيات الذين يملكون الحروف المعينه فى اخر اسمائهم