  • In celebration of the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World and to raise awareness of the need for a new approach to disarmament issues, the Centre continued to promote the integration of peace education into community and scholastic activities in the region.
    احتفالا بالعقد الدولي لثقافة السلام واللاعنف من أجل أطفال العالم، وللتوعية بضرورة اتباع نهج جديد لمسائل نزع السلاح، واصل المركز التشجيع على دمج ثقافة السلام ضمن الأنشطة المجتمعية والمدرسية في المنطقة.
  • Education - Promote, facilitate and cooperate in the development and implementation of scholastic and extra scholastic activities and education on climate change, through integration of environmental issues in curricula, family education and other activities to promote self-learning and life-long learning; Training - Promote, facilitate and cooperate in the development and implementation of training activities designed to enhance knowledge and build capacity in specific areas, such as: the Kyoto mechanisms; dissemination of new technology and energy efficiency; climate change mitigation and low-carbon economy; and adaptation strategies; Public awareness - Promote, facilitate and cooperate in developing public awareness of climate change issues, and encourage contributions and personal action in addressing climate change, supporting climate-friendly policies and fostering behavioural changes, including by using popular media; Public access to information - Promote transparency in policies by providing information on climate change initiatives, policies and results of actions; facilitate public access to data and information taking into account local and national circumstances such as quality of Internet access, literacy and language issues; Public participation - Facilitate feedback, debate and partnership in climate change activities, and in governance; International cooperation - Develop networks and promote collaboration in the implementation of capacity-building activities, exchange of experiences on good practices and lessons learned, and communication on adaptation to climate change, and develop and implement regional strategies and plans of action where Parties wish to do so.
    (ب) التدريب - تشجيع وتيسير عملية إعداد وتنفيذ أنشطة تدريبية والتعاون في هذه الأمور وذلك من أجل تحسين المعارف وبناء القدرات في مجالات محددة، مثل: آليات كيوتو؛ نشر التكنولوجيا الجديدة والكفاءة في استهلاك الطاقة؛ وتخفيف وطأة تغير المناخ والاقتصاد المنخفض الكربون؛ واستراتيجيات التكيف؛