  • Stock markets rose both domestically... ...and abroad today after the announcement of... ...stronger than expected earnings by several high tech companies... ...but dipped again reacting to report Nicholas Van Orton has sneezed.
    بعد الإعلان عن الأرباح الهائلة stronger than expected earnings by several high tech companies التى حققها نيكولاس فان أورتون
  • In other financial news, stock markets rose both domestically and abroad today after the announcement of stronger than expected earnings by several high tech companies but dipped again reacting to reports that Nicholas Van Orton had sneezed.
    فى أنباء أخرى أسواق البورصة المحلية والخارجية فى ارتفاع... بعد الإعلان عن الأرباح الهائلة stronger than expected earnings by several high tech companies
  • But what does that matter to a bloated millionaire fat cat like you... and now for financial news stock markets rose both domestically... and abroad today after the announcement of... stronger than expected earnings by several high tech companies but dipped again reacting to report Nicholas Van Orton has sneezed
    وما أهمية ذلك لمليونير مغرور كالقط المنتفخ مثلك؟ فى أنباء أخرى أسواق البورصة المحلية والخارجية فى ارتفاع