  • Geiger's in his early forties... ...medium height... ...fattish... ...soft all over, Charlie Chan mustache... ...well-dressed... ...wears a black hat... ...affects a knowledge of antiques and hasn't any... ...and I think his left eye is glass.
    ...غايغر) في بداية الأربعينات من عمره) ،متوسط القامة ...وبدين ،ناعم الملمس ...(لديه شارب (تشارلي تشان
  • Geiger's in his early 4os... ...medium height... ...fattish... ...soft all over, Charlie Chan mustache... ...well-dressed... ...wears a black hat... ...affects a knowledge of antiques and hasn't any... ...and I think his left eye is glass.
    ...غايغر) في بداية الأربعينات من عمره) ،متوسط القامة ...وبدين ،ناعم الملمس ...(لديه شارب (تشارلي تشان