  • Why his whole body smell of oil? Where's my wife? She's drinking over there...
    اين زوجتى؟ انها تشرب هناك..
  • “The Arabian Gulf is the most exposed body of water, to oil pollution, in the world.
    "إن الخليج العربي هو أكثر مجتمعات المياه تعرضاً للتلوث بالنفط في العالم.
  • There is an extensive body of published literature on oil spill clean-up that should be exhaustively reviewed before conducting any laboratory or field tests.
    فهناك مجموعة وافرة من المنشورات بشأن تنظيف الانسكاب النفطي ينبغي الاطلاع عليها اطلاعاً وافياً قبل إجراء أي تجربة في المختبر أو في الميدان.
  • No one ever really bought me stuff before... except my mom's boyfriend Chester... who got me for my birthday when I was 12... a bottle of something called Garden of Eden body oil... which he said would be good for my skin... and which he wanted to show me how to use... which I let him do.
    لم يشترى لى أحد أى شئ من قبل ماعدا صديق امى "شيستر الذى أعطها لى فى عيد ميلادى الاثنى عشر. . .
  • No one ever really bought me stuff before except my mom's boyfriend, Chester, who got me for my birthday when I was 12, a bottle of something called Garden of Eden body oil, which he said would be good for my skin and which he wanted to show me how to use, which I let him do.
    لم يشترى لى أحد أى شئ من قبل ماعدا صديق امى "شيستر الذى أعطها لى فى عيد ميلادى الاثنى عشر. . .