مشتى {جمعه: مَشَاتٍ}
  • They want to build a winter resort up there.
    يريدون بناء مشتى بأعلى هناك
  • And in a region called Hell's Valley, some snow monkeys have found the perfect winter resort.
    ،"وفي مكان يُدعى "وادي جهنم وجدت بعض قرود الثلج .الملاذ المثالي من فصل الشتاء
  • We're on course to Djerba, a former winter resort moon in Sector 12.
    نحن في طريقنا إلى "جيربا"، قمر مشتّي سابق في القطاع 12
  • Mr. Patrovita, you deny any sources of illicit income... any connection at all with organized crime... yet your reported income for this past year was $73,000... with which you somehow managed to maintain... a seven-bedroom mansion here in Chicago... a hunting lodge in Wisconsin... a winter resort in California... four Cadillacs that we know of... and a lifestyle that makes Ted Turner look like a derelict.
    أي إتصال مطلقاً ...بالجريمة المنظمة رغم ذلك صرحت بأن دخلك السنة ...الماضية كان 73.000 دولار و الذي به إستطعت بطريقة ما ...الإبقاء على
  • Mr. Patrovita, you deny any sources of illicit income... any connection at all with organized crime... yet your reported income for this past year was $73,000... with which you somehow managed to maintain... a seven-bedroom mansion here in Chicago... a hunting lodge in Wisconsin... a winter resort in California... four Cadillacs that we know of... and a lifestyle that makes Ted Turner look like a derelict.
    أي إتصال مطلقاً ...بالجريمة المنظمة رغم ذلك صرحت بأن دخلك السنة ...الماضية كان 73,000 دولار والذي به إستطعت بطريقة ما ...الإبقاء على