  • The tuft of hair on his chest.
    خُصل شعر صدره
  • Vincent, there's a tuft of hair in my food.
    فينسيت)، توجد خصلة من الشعر) في طعامي
  • Do you know I spent this morning fitting a spinal column with a tuft of hair?
    حتى نخبره عن امر الطفل
  • Tapped him. There was one little, little tuft of hair on my bumper.
    لمسته فقط. كان هناك قطعة صغيره .من شعره على مقدمة سيارتي
  • His lips, the tuft of hair on his chest, the small of his back.
    شفتَيْه خُصل شعر صدره الجزء الصغير من ظهره
  • Just grab a couple tufts of back hair and use it as a handle.
    فقط أستعملوا بعض الشراشف لتسحبوه بها