conclusive evidence or proof {decisive, cogent, convincing}
دليل حاسم {قاطع, جازِم}
  • In that context, we reiterate the assertion we have made on previous occasions to the effect that the greatest threat to the investigation is the attempts by certain parties within or outside our region to use developments in the investigation as an excuse to jump to a priori conclusions unfounded in clear evidence or proof, and to provide false evidence that may be exploited for purposes, including the desire to pressure my country, that are far removed from those for which the Commission was established. The fact is that a revelation of the truth must await the Commission's completion of its task.
    وكذلك محاولة بعض الأطراف تقديم أدلة مزورة لاستخدامها في أغراض أبعد ما تكون عن الهدف الذي أنشئت هذه اللجنة لتحقيقه، ومنها بشكل أساسي ممارسة الضغط على بلدي، علما بأن التقرير يشير إلى أن معرفة الحقيقة ما زال ينتظر جهدا كبيرا من اللجنة قبل الوصول إلى النتائج النهائية.