  • Nice choker.
    مخنقة جميلة
  • Silver choker?
    قلادة فضية؟
  • Silver choker?
    قلاده فضيه؟
  • And you're a choker.
    .وانتٍ تخنقين
  • A barbed-wire choker tattoo.
    على شكل سلك متزجزج
  • - All right, Daddy. He's a choker.
    "حسناً, "أبي - هو قلادة لن يتحرك -
  • - How was your day? - Is that my mother's choker?
    - كيف كَانَ يومكَ؟ - هَلْ ذلكّ عقد أمِّي؟
  • And she was wearing a beady... 'choker', right?
    وكانت ترتدي..
  • This was, uh, my mom's choker. It's for good luck.
    دية كَانَت مختنق أمّي للحظّ السعيدِ
  • - How was your day? - Fine. So is that my mother's choker?
    - كيف كَانَ يومكَ؟ - هَلْ ذلكّ عقد أمِّي؟
  • something or person that chokes or a piece of jewellery or narrow cloth that fits around the neck