  • Your father is the last person you should be trying to impress. You're a good person in spite of him.
    والدك هو آخر شخص في العالم يجب أن تحاول إقناعه. أنتَ شخص جيّد
  • In spite of you tipping him off, he lost.
    علي الرغم من انكَ قد اخترته لقـد خسر
  • In spite of you talking to him he didn't stop the train.
    برغم تحدثك إليه, لم يوقف القطار.
  • The Board also pointed out that the complainant had had a passport issued on 14 August 2000 in spite of the accusations against him.
    وأشار المجلس أيضاً إلى أنه كان لدى صاحب الشكوى جواز سفر صادر في 14 آب/أغسطس 2000 بالرغم من التُهم الموجهة إليه.