  • Achieve meaningful reductions in wait times in priority areas such as cancer, heart, diagnostic imaging, joint replacements, and sight restoration; Continue and accelerate work on Health Human Resources action plans and/or initiatives to ensure an adequate supply and appropriate mix of health care professionals; Provide first dollar coverage by 2006 for certain home care services, based on assessed need; Establish a best practices network to share information and find solutions to barriers to progress in primary health care reform; Develop and implement the national pharmaceuticals strategy; Further collaboration and cooperation in developing coordinated responses to infectious disease outbreaks and other public health emergencies through the new Public Health Network (see below); Report to their citizens on health system performance.
    • توفير أول تغطية بالدولار بحلول عام 2006 لبعض خدمات الرعاية المنزلية على أساس تقييم مدى الحاجة إليها؛