  • Unfortunately, the trial is only for Alzheimer's dementia.
    فقط ألزهايمر خرف لمرضى التجارب هذه , للأسف
  • Peter's father had dementia, not Alzheimer's.
    والد( بيتر) كان لدية مرض الخرف ليس الزهايمر
  • It's a drug commonly used for treatment of Alzheimer's and dementia.
    وهو دواء يتم وصفه عادة لعلاج
  • Mental disorders include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, mental retardation, Alzheimers and other dementias.
    هاء - الحق في الصحة العقلية
  • Cerebral diseases like senile dementia and Alzheimer's affect more women than men because women live longer.
    والإصابات المخية مثل عته الكبر ومرض الزهايمر تصيب كثيرا النساء لأنهن يعشن لفترة أطول.
  • training programmes for doctors and health-care professionals about the State party's Covenant obligations, as well as with regard to the prevention and treatment of dementia and Alzheimer's diseases; awareness-raising campaigns about these diseases among the public at large.
    (أ) برامج تدريبية للأطباء ومهنيي قطاع الرعاية الصحية بشأن التزامات الدولة الطرف بموجب العهد، وكذلك بخصوص الوقاية من مرضي الخرف والألزهايمر وعلاجهما؛
  • It is also concerned that health-care professionals do not receive sufficient training in relation to the care of persons suffering from dementia and Alzheimer's and that there is a lack of awareness and understanding of the diseases among the public.
    كما يُقلقها أن مهنيي قطاع الرعاية الصحية لا يتلقون التدريب الكافي فيما يتعلق برعاية من يعانون من الخرف ومرض الألزهايمر وأنه يوجد نقص في الوعي بهذين المرضين وفهمهما لدى عامة الجمهور.
  • It aims at: promoting support for patients suffering from Alzheimer disease or related disorders; raising awareness of Alzheimer disease by the medical profession, paramedical organizations, social services and the European Commission and European Parliament; developing models for improved care to Alzheimer patients; encouraging and supporting research on the cause, early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Alzheimer disease; and promoting worldwide cooperation with organizations working in the field of Alzheimer disease and other dementia.
    وترمي إلى تحقيق ما يلي. تعزيز ما يقدم من دعم للمرضى الذين يعانون من مرض ألزهايمر والاضطرابات المرتبطة به؛ وتوعية الأوساط الطبية ومنظمات الطبابة والخدمات الاجتماعية واللجنة الأوروبية والبرلمان الأوروبي بمرض ألزهايمر؛ ووضع نماذج لتحسين رعاية مرضى ألزهايمر؛ وتشجيع ودعم البحوث المتعلقة بأسباب مرض ألزهايمر وتشخيصه في وقت مبكر ومعالجته والوقاية منه؛ وتشجيع التعاون العالمي مع المنظمات التي تعمل في ميدان مرض ألزهايمر وغيره من أمراض العته.
  • New initiatives in health care for vulnerable groups include: The Northern Healthy Foods Initiative was established in the City of Thompson; The Provincial Mental Health Advisory Council was reconstituted as a consumer and family member body; The following were established: the Mental Health Education Resource Centre of Manitoba; the Provincial Special Needs Unit - a specialized unit for high-risk complex individuals not adequately served by or eligible for existing services; the Early Intervention in Psychosis program; and a Program of Assertive Community Treatment, which has been identified as a best practice in Canada; The Manitoba Women's Health Strategy was released in 2000 (http://www.gov.mb.ca/health/women/index.html); Women's Health Consultations were held; and the Manitoba Cervical Cancer Screening Program was established; A Strategy for Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias in Manitoba was released in 2002 (http://www.gov.mb.ca/health/documents/alzheimer.pdf); Advancing Age: Promoting Older Manitobans was released in 2003 (http://www.gov.mb.ca/sd/advancingage.html) and new personal care home standards were developed; Programs, training and resources respecting fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and 'at-risk' pregnant women were established.
    • صدرت في عام 2000 استراتيجية مانيتوبا بشأن صحة المرأة (http://www.gov.mb.ca/health/women/index.html)؛ وعقدت مشاورات بشأن صحة المرأة؛ وأنشئ "برنامج مانيتوبا للفحوص المتعلقة بعنق الرحم"؛