hermaphrodite [pl. hermaphrodites]
  • Or hermaphrodite.
    أَو مخنث
  • A hermaphrodite.
    بل إنه خنثى
  • I'm a hermaphrodite.
    أَنا خنثى
  • - I'm not a hermaphrodite.
    هم القله
  • It's a giant hermaphrodite!
    كانت هذه مهندسة الديكور ستمر علىّ لأعطها المخططات التفصيلية
  • He's a hermaphrodite.
    انه خنثى
  • Mother of Hermaphrodite.
    (والدةُ (هيرمافرودايت
  • Maybe they're hermaphrodites.
    .ربّما يكونوا منحرفين
  • She's a hermaphrodite.
    انه من الجنس الثالث
  • He's also a hermaphrodite. Ohh!
    انه أيضا مخنث اوه
  • an animal having both male and female sexual organs;a human being in which both male and female sex organs are present