  • Come on! ♪ They're not all that impressed with conversation ♪ True gentlemen avoid it when they can ♪ But they dote and swoon and fawn ♪ On a lady who's withdrawn ♪ It's she who holds her tongue who gets her man ♪ Come on, you poor unfortunate soul ♪ Go ahead, make your choice ♪ I'm a very busy woman and I haven't got all day ♪ It won't cost much, just your voice ♪ Ya poor, unfortunate soul ♪ It's sad, but true ♪ If you want to cross a bridge, my sweet you've got to pay the toll ♪ Take a gulp and take a breath and go ahead and sign the scroll ♪ Flotsam, Jetsam Now I've got her, boys ♪ The boss is on a roll ♪ This poor, unfortunate ♪ Soul ♪ Beluga, sevruga ♪ Come, winds of the Caspian Sea ♪ Larynxis, glossitis Et max laryngitis ♪ La voce to me
    الآن وبعد كل هذا, ما جدوى الثرثرة في رأيك؟ هيا. جميعهم لا يتأثرون بجدوى المحادثة. الرجل الحقيقي يتجنَّب ذلك قدر ما يستطيع.