  • So while the train carried Mariannina Terranova to her fateful destination, unstoppable as the destiny that drove her on, this poor, diminutive creature of the south, wrapped in the age-old dark shawl, symbol of our women's modesty, wringing her hands in her lap, her womb condemned by God to suffer the divine pangs of motherhood, while the train raced on as in an inescapable nightmare, the rhythmic thrust of the pistons pounding in the delirious ears of poor, ruined Mariannina -
    بينما كان يحمل القطار ماريانينا تيرانوفا إلى وجهتها المصيرية لا يمكن وقفها مثل المصير الذي يقودها هذه الجنوبية المسكينة