NEU: Textübersetzung in den verschiedenen Dialekten; syrisch, irakisch etc. ..., Textkorrektur, GPT Fragen stellen. propiere es mal aus!
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¿Qué te parece, chic o shriek?
ما رأيكم أنيق أو مضحك؟
Atentamente, Lloyd Tate". ...stretching out the neck on your evening... ...trying to even out some deficit... ...but it's sabre-toothed, multi-ball confusion... ...and you can shriek until you're hollow... ...or whisper it the other way... ...trying to save the youth without putting your shoes on... ...looking for a new place to begin... - ¿Está bien?
المخلص (لوييد تيت) محاولا الخروج من العجز# لكن الأمر كفوضى السيف المسنن#