  • Cumulative distribution of AIDS cases by age group and sex, 1985 to the end of 2001
    توزيع العدد المتجمع لحالات الإصابة بالإيدز حسب الفئة العمرية والجنس من سنة 1985 إلى نهاية سنة 2001
  • To date, items worth 72 per cent of cumulative arrivals have been distributed.
    وحتى الآن، وزعت عناصر تبلغ قيمتها 72 في المائة من جملة الإمدادات التي وصلت.
  • Decides that [the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism] [a dedicated body constituted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and operating under its authority] shall provide guidance on standardized baselines and, where appropriate, define standardized baselines for specific project activity types and specific sectors or subsectors under the clean development mechanism by establishing parameters, including benchmarks, and procedures and making them available for [mandatory] [optional] use by project participants and designated operational entities in the determination of additionality and the application or development of baseline methodologies; Decides that standardized baselines [shall] [may] be established for types of project activities meeting the following criteria: […]; Decides that the parameters and procedures used to facilitate standardized baselines shall: Be established on the basis of: Option 1: similar project activities undertaken in the previous five years, in similar social, economic, environmental and technological circumstances, whose performance is among the top per cent of their category; Option 2: top-performing installations or processes in the relevant sector, based on, inter alia, the performance of key technologies that are beyond common practice and technology penetration rates; Option 3: the top [x] per cent of the current distribution of carbon intensity for specific types of project activities or within specific sectors; Option 4: the current distribution of carbon intensity for specific types of project activities or within specific sectors; Option 5: carbon intensity related benchmarks defined as a fixed percentile of the cumulative frequency distribution of the [carbon dioxide] emissions intensity of the industry in a region and set at different levels for new and existing production facilities; Ensure the environmental integrity of the clean development mechanism; Be regional, national or subnational in nature; Be periodically adjusted; Further decides that there shall be no double counting of emission reductions or removals on the basis of the use of standardized, multi-project baselines; Encourages participants in clean development mechanism projects to apply the guidance of [the Executive Board of the clean development mechanism] [a dedicated body constituted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol and operating under its authority] on standardized baselines, where appropriate, in developing new baseline methodologies, including the application of standardized baselines developed by the Executive Board; Requests the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice to recommend modalities and procedures for the development of standardized, multi-project baselines under the clean development mechanism, with a view to forwarding a draft decision on this matter to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol for adoption at its [sixth] [seventh] session, including modalities and procedures in relation to: The determination of a standardized baseline[, including the definition of a sector boundary as applicable]; The determination of the applicability of a standardized baseline;
    يقرر أن يقوم [المجلس التنفيذي لآلية التنمية النظيفة] [هيئة متفرغة يُنشئها مؤتمر الأطراف العامل بوصفه اجتماع الأطراف في بروتوكول كيوتو وتعمل تحت سلطته] بتقديم التوجيه بشأن خطوط الأساس الموحدة وأن يقوم [وأن تقوم]، عند الاقتضاء، بتحديد خطوط الأساس الموحدة لأنواع معينة من أنشطة المشاريع وقطاعات أو قطاعات فرعية معينة في إطار آلية التنمية النظيفة عن طريق وضع بارامترات، بما في ذلك معالم مرجعية، وإجراءات وإتاحتها ليستخدمها المشاركون في المشاريع والكيانات التشغيلية المعينة استخداماً [إلزامياً] [اختيارياً] في تحديد عنصر الإضافة وتطبيق أو تطوير منهجيات خطوط الأساس؛