  • It's not pure, frictionless arbitrage.
    ,إنها ليست خالية من الشوائب .راجع موازنة الاحتكاك
  • If you break 'em in properly, they're supposed to give you a completely frictionless--
    ،إذا تحكمتِ بهم كلياً من المفترض أن يوفروا لك ...إحتكاك كامل مع
  • An organisation called ET3 which has connection with the Venus project, has established a tube-based mag-lev that can travel up to 4000 miles per hour in a motionless, frictionless tube, which can go over land or under water.
    ET3 قامت منظمة تدعى -مرتبطة بمشروع فينوس- قادر على السفر بسرعة 4000 ميل\ساعة _BAR_mag-lev_BAR_ بإنشاء قطار داخل أنبوب عديم الحراك ,عديم الاحتكاك ,و يمكنه المرور فوق اليابسة أو تحت الماء
  • it's so smooth. it almost feels like liquid. frictionless surface. at least, that's what my experts tell me. you've been studying it this whole time, and you let me go on thinking that what i saw the day of the meteor shower wasn't real, that i was losing my mind. i didn't mean to make you question your sanity, lana. i was just trying to protect you. you keep saying that, lex. what do you think you're protecting me from ? this ship is one of the most important discoveries in the history of mankind. there are people who have killed for a lot less.
    .ناعم جدا تشعر و كأنه سائل سطح عديم الاحتكاك