And, uh... the tattoo, by the way, is group ID.
و فيما يخص الوشم هو عبارة عن بطاقات هوية المجموعة
The tattoo, by the way, is a group ID.
و فيما يخص الوشم هو عبارة عن بطاقات هوية المجموعة
The language of the restriction or prohibition clause is worded in a neutral and all-embracing way; The application of the ban does not reveal inconsistencies or biases vis-à-vis certain religious or other minorities or vulnerable groups; As photographs on ID cards require by definition that the wearer might properly be identified, proportionate restrictions on permitted headgear for ID photographs appear to be legitimate, if reasonable accommodation of the individual's religious manifestation are foreseen by the State; The interference is crucial to protect the rights of women, religious minorities or vulnerable groups; Accommodating different situations according to the perceived vulnerability of the persons involved might in certain situations also be considered legitimate, e.g. in order to protect underage schoolchildren and the liberty of parents or legal guardians to ensure the religious and moral education of their children in conformity with their own convictions.
- التوفيق بين أوضاع مختلفة وفق تصوّر استضعاف الأشخاص المعنيين قد يُعد مشروعاً أيضاً في حالات معينة، مثلاً، من أجل حماية تلاميذ المدارس القُصّر وحرية الآباء أو الأوصياء الشرعيين في ضمان التعليم الديني والأخلاقي لأطفالهم وفق قناعاتهم الشخصية.