Develop agreement(s) to implement the environmental and conservation obligations of UNCLOS to ensure the protection, conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity and ecological processes; Amend other Conventions relevant to high seas biodiversity such as MARPOL Annexes I (oil), II (noxious liquid substances), IV (sewage) and V (garbage) to ensure that restrictions on nearshore discharges do not adversely impact biodiversity by transferring discharges to the high seas; Amend the World Heritage Convention to extend designations to high seas; Address historic dumping issues under the London Convention in relation to liability, compensation and containment/clean up; Urgently address the problems of flags of convenience and the primacy of flag state jurisdiction on the high seas; Promote increased ratification, implementation and enforcement of international, regional and sub-regional agreements; Amend the Convention on Biological Diversity to provide a framework for the establishment of marine protected areas and ecosystem-based management for the oceans and seas beyond national jurisdiction; and Develop a framework to address bioprospecting and other activities not specifically regulated by current agreements or institutions to ensure incorporation of relevant environmental obligations and governance principles (for example, the application of the precautionary approach, equity and stakeholder participation).
• تعديل اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي لإتاحة إطار لإنشاء مناطق بحرية محمية وإدارة المحيطات والبحار الموجودة خارج نطاق الولاية الوطنية إدارة تقوم على النظم الإيكولوجية؛